IO pipelines with queues


Pipeline functions


Manually adds a queue runner to the graph's collection of queue runners. All runners in the collection will be executed in parallel when start_queue_runners is invoked.



Run all queue runners in parallel that were previously added to the graph's collection of queue runners via add_queue_runner.


  • session: The TensorFlow session containing the queues


range_input_producer(limit; num_epochs=nothing, do_shuffle=true, seed=0, capacity=32)

Produces the integers from 1 to limit in a queue.


  • limit: Inclusive upper bound on the endpoint of the range of integers to produce

  • num_epochs: Number of times to produce the integers.

  • do_shuffle: If true, shuffle the inputs each epoch.

  • seed: Seed to use for the RNG if do_shuffle is true.

  • capacity: Sets the queue capacity. Default is 32.


input_producer(input; element_shape=nothing, num_epochs=nothing, do_shuffle=true, seed=0, capacity=32)

Outputs the rows of input to a queue for input pipelining.


  • input: A Tensor with the rows to produce.

  • element_shape: The shape of the input rows, in case it can't be inferred. Defaults to nothing.

  • num_epochs: Number of times to produce each row. If unspecified (default), input_producer can produce each row an unlimited number of times.

  • do_shuffle: If true, shuffle the inputs each epoch.

  • seed: Seed to use for the RNG if do_shuffle is true.

  • capacity: Sets the queue capacity. Default is 32.


string_input_producer(string_tensors; num_epochs=nothing, do_shuffle=true, seed=0, capacity=32)

Output strings to a queue for an input pipeline.


  • string_tensor: A one dimensional Tensor of strings to produce.

  • num_epochs: Number of times to produce the strings.

  • do_shuffle: If true, shuffle the inputs each epoch.

  • seed: Seed to use for the RNG if do_shuffle is true.

  • capacity: Sets the queue capacity. Default is 32.


shuffle_batch(tensors, batch_size; capacity=32, enqueue_many=false, shapes=nothing, dynamic_pad=false, allow_smaller_final_batch=false)

Create batches by randomly shuffling tensors.


  • tensors: A list of tensors to enqueue.

  • batch_size: The batch size which will be pulled from the queue.

  • capacity: Sets the queue capacity. Default is 32.

  • dynamic_pad: If true all tensors will be padded on unknown dimensions to batch_size. Otherwise tensors shapes must be fully known. Currently only false is supported.

  • enqueue_many: If false, tensors represents a single example. Otherwise tensors represents a batch of examples. Currently only false is supported.

  • shapes: The shapes for each example. Defaults to the inferred shapes from tensors.

  • allow_smaller_final_batch: If true (default false), the final batch is allowed to be smaller than the other batches if there are not enough samples remaining.



Represents an object that continually enqueues elements to a TensorFlow queue in parallel with other operations.


create_threads(runner::QueueRunner, session::Session)

Creates tasks that run the enqueue operations in runner in parallel.


